Forgiveness – A lesson from my 5 year old

Not too long ago we had a night like most others.  It was about 8:20 P.M. and I was hurrying around my home trying to get everything back in their proper places before getting my two girls to bed.  William had just come home from prayer night and the typical long bedtime routine was well […]

A Promise to Parents

Being a parent is the most rewarding job that exists.  As a mother, the first time I looked into my babies’ eyes I fell deeply in love.  Here were these little lives that grew on the inside of me.  A gift from God that encompassed the best parts of William and myself.  Only a parent […]

Pride Cometh Before a Fall….. LITERALLY!

When I write these blogs, I think inwardly about what I could share in my life that may help those who venture to read my posts. I was talking with my mother-in-law a few weeks ago and I was reminded of a funny story. It’s about how pride can get you into trouble and how […]