Not a Hand Out, But a Hand Up with God

I know this is sort of a funny title but it fits perfectly what the Lord showed me today. As believers, it is very important to understand how our Lord operates and what our part is in our walk with the Him.  This is not something you can just know.  You must seek God to […]

How to Know God’s Plan for Your Life

          Quite frankly, this will probably be just the first of many blogs on this topic. It is just too big to cover extensively in a short blog. But here we go! This question is one of the main questions I think every believer asks throughout their lives.  I pray for […]

Pride Cometh Before a Fall….. LITERALLY!

When I write these blogs, I think inwardly about what I could share in my life that may help those who venture to read my posts. I was talking with my mother-in-law a few weeks ago and I was reminded of a funny story. It’s about how pride can get you into trouble and how […]