Not a Hand Out, But a Hand Up with God

I know this is sort of a funny title but it fits perfectly what the Lord showed me today. As believers, it is very important to understand how our Lord operates and what our part is in our walk with the Him.  This is not something you can just know.  You must seek God to […]

A Promise to Parents

Being a parent is the most rewarding job that exists.  As a mother, the first time I looked into my babies’ eyes I fell deeply in love.  Here were these little lives that grew on the inside of me.  A gift from God that encompassed the best parts of William and myself.  Only a parent […]

A Broken Oven, Spatchcock Turkey and His Leading!

The Lord is consistently teaching me of His goodness through the events of my life.  This Thanksgiving was no different.  The day started as a normal Thanksgiving.  The girls came in early and jumped on our bed asking if they could get up.  Grandma was visiting and the girls couldn’t wait to jump into her […]