Pride Cometh Before a Fall….. LITERALLY!

When I write these blogs, I think inwardly about what I could share in my life that may help those who venture to read my posts. I was talking with my mother-in-law a few weeks ago and I was reminded of a funny story. It’s about how pride can get you into trouble and how God’s continuous faithfulness, despite the choices we may make, restores us.

My story begins about 3 years ago.  A wonderful friend and neighbor had invited our family to her son’s birthday party.  The party took place in a gymnastics training space complete with trampolines, tumbling mats, and my husband’s favorite—the men’s Olympic rings.  He will have to tell you about that some time!  The party was fun for the kids as they were able to tumble, roll, jump and slide off of everything.  What I didn’t expect was the fun the parents had too.  The guys were laughing about how “strong” they were as they climbed this big rope to the top of the gym and rang the bell.  The height of the ceiling appeared to be about 30 feet or so.  I thought to myself how fun it would be to try to climb my way to the top and show these boys that a petite woman could climb the rope too.  Hastily and without consulting the Holy Spirit, I started my ascent up the rope.  All was going well, until I was about four feet from the bell when I felt a tearing sensation in my lower back.  Pain surged through my entire body.  I was immobile!  It thought to myself, “great!  What do I do now?”  Everybody was watching at this point.  I couldn’t slide down, as there were about ten little kids below me all under the age of seven.  The guys were watching too…but who cares at this point!  I couldn’t move and falling would really harm me or some other innocent bystander.  I took a moment and prayed to my Lord in repentance.  I knew I had climbed that rope because of my flesh.  It was not based in the leading of the Lord but in pride and now it looked like that same pride was going to be severely wounded.  I made the decision that I would slowly move down the rope without moving my legs much.  This would require a lot of upper body strength and GRACE!  I asked the Lord to help me and then made my descent down the rope.  I’m sure it was a sight as I tried my best not to show the intense pain I was experiencing.  I managed to get myself within five feet of the bottom.  I yelled to the “little ones” below me to move aside and then I slid down that last five feet.  My intense lower back pain was now joined with a burn that was created on my ankle as I slid to the ground.  I looked around me and saw everyone around looking at me.  They asked me why I did not keep going to ring the bell.  I just smiled and said nothing.  They went back to talking with each other and I slowly waddled over to a nearby pad to sit.  I was in so much pain!  I knew once I sat down chances were that I was not going to get up for a while.  I knew I had put myself in this situation and now I was mad at myself!  Knowing 1st John 1:9—“If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].” (AMP) I prayed and asked the Lord to forgive me for working outside of His will and in my own prideful thinking.  I then asked if He would heal my back.  What I heard the Lord say in that moment will stick with me forever.  He said, “Krissy, well people don’t just sit there—get up.”  In obedience, I made my way up.  The kids around me saw my struggle and even helped me.  I took one step and felt horrible pain surge through me.  I took another- this time it was easier.  As I took my third step, I felt my back release and the pain was completely gone.

I learned that day the importance of being led by my Lord and not driven by my flesh.  There are consequences when we get out of line with the Lord, but in His mercy God healed me.  I did have a nasty burn for a few weeks on my ankle and to this day I can still see the slight scar it left.  That scar serves as a reminder to me to seek first my Lord and to not operate in my fleshly desire to exalt myself.  Today, I look back at the event and laugh.  I hope you enjoyed hearing about it and maybe it has brought you some encouragement today!