Opened Hands Tear Down Walls

About a year ago I was working on a Saturday.  I did not particularly like working weekends but I really enjoyed the quiet.  Like most Saturdays, I put on praise music .  As I was sitting there, I began to think about the future and what our next steps would be.    Then I heard the Holy Spirit.  Softly and gently He said to me, “What do you need to open your hand to me?”  This may seem like an ambiguous question but I knew exactly what He was talking about.  Months previous to this an opportunity had been presented to us for our next step in ministry that would possibly require us to move up north…outside of my comfort zone.   I stated to the Lord all of my concerns about moving.  The biggest issue for me was moving farther away from my father.  My mom had died back in 2008 and my dad and my sisters were all in Florida.  The thought of seeing them only once a year did not sound appealing.  I had done this for the past 2.5 years and I wanted to be close enough to drive and see my dad often.  In this moment with my Lord, I came to myself.  I realized that my thoughts about the opportunity had been clouded by my flesh.  I had built a wall.  Weeks before this day, I had noticed a difference in my ability to clearly hear my Lord.  I still fellowshipped with Him and I was in His Word daily -but there was a barrier.  It even affected my work, as a prayer partner I pray with people daily.  As I pray, I am able to operate in a flow with the Holy Spirit in intercession for another.  Even here I noticed a straining and confusion as I would pray.  The Lord gently repeated His question, “what do you need to open your hand to me?”  I sighed deeply and responded.  I need my family to be so prosperous that money is no issue.  I want my Father to be able to come see me anytime he chooses. I want breakthrough.  In that moment, I felt a release.  Then I said to the Lord, no matter what I will obey you.  Your will is my will.  I will go wherever you call me.  This is what I want.  I open my hand to you regardless but this is what I want.  The Lord so sweetly said to me, “I will give you everything you have asked me for…an appointment is coming to you.”

I have been very transparent in this blog to show you something about the Lord and your walk with Him.  God has called us to do great things with him.  He cares about what we care about. He loves us.  His plans for us are beautiful.  He tells us in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster to give you a future and a hope.” Simply put- you can trust God.  He loves you so much and has your best interests at heart.  What I have found in my short time of passionately pursuing God is that He is faithful to His Word.  If we truly will pursue God with our whole hearts, we will be found by him.  (Jeremiah 29:13) As I read somewhere in a letter Kenneth Hagin wrote, “May you be blessed as you continually walk in God ‘s plans and purposes for your life.”  God’s plans are the blessed plans.  His plans are the safest place for you and your family.  This is the place of joy and fulfillment.  The place where you are fully alive!  After I opened my hand to God I felt the connection with the Lord I had missed.  This is the fullness of the blessing- knowing He is with you!  So wherever you are today, check your heart.  Make sure you have not built a wall based in fear or the desires of your flesh. Open your hand to God.  I can promise you this…you will be so thankful you did!