
Welcome to our blog page!  We will be posting regularly on the things God has taught us through the years or on things He is currently putting on our hearts.  So, please “like”, “share”, “post”, “pin”, “tweet” or whatever you do!  Heck, if you’re feeling extra saucy you might even hit the ole “print” button so you can share it with your less tech savvy friends!  We hope you enjoy reading and are encouraged to walk closer with Jesus. God Bless!

— William and Kristin Phelps —

Every once in a while we will also be featuring a blog post by someone other than ourselves. We have met many wonderful people over the years, each one of them has a specific calling and gifting that we think needs to be shared. We know that their unique perspectives will bless you as much as they have blessed us. Look for them on the Guest Bloggers page.